MomLife Ministries Podcast

Wholehearted Rest

Melanie Hill, Christy Crosby, Jess Connolly Season 2 Episode 8

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Wholehearted—Loving God With All Your Soul

Wholehearted Rest

What do you think about when the idea of rest comes up? Does it feel impossible—never quite in your reach? Does it feel like one more thing you have to perfect or perform? Does it feel self-indulgent or unnecessary?

Christy and Melanie are joined with special guest Jess Connolly to talk about the importance of rest and specifically how rest for our souls looks different and matters more than any sort of self-help or self-care strategy that the world has to offer.

A little more about Jess: Jess is an author, Bible teacher, podcaster, and coach. She is also a wife, mom of four, local church leader, and a friend. Maybe more than anyone else, Jess understands that you have a full and often overwhelming life. Her greatest goal is to help you feel more awake, alive, and present as you show up to the places God has called you.

Find out more about Jess at and check out her book Tired of Being Tired: Receive God’s Realistic Rest for Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion (Includes Rhythms and Reflections for Fatigued Women to Experience the Abundant Life God Intended).

  • Sign up for The MomLife Monthly, our monthly email newsletter at This month we’re including a free printable to walk you through various ways in which your soul might best experience connection with God!
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  • Start a Podcast Club! Grab a friend (or two or three)—listen to the podcast and then have a conversation about it. Find discussion prompts in the show notes below.


  • What are your general thoughts about rest? 
  • What lies do you tend to believe about why you can’t or shouldn’t rest?
  • How did today’s conversation give you a new perspective on rest?
  • What is one way you are motivated to pursue rest in a new way?
  • Read Psalm 127:1-2 and Matthew 11:28-30. How are these words encouraging [or challenging] to you?
  • Spend some time in prayer. Ask God to help clarify what wholehearted rest looks like. Give him all of your burdens and weariness of today and ask him to help you release the things that are outside of your control.

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Editing: Angela Edwards
Music: "Another Successful Day" BoDleasons

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